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The Pillars of Ayurveda: Sleep or Nidra!

Sleep or the rest we take is the second pillar of Ayurveda. We have already told you about the Tamas Guna - which is what is responsible for making us Sleep - being dominant at that time, which is mostly night time. This is the time when the mind and the body get some rest after a hard day's work.

  • When the body gets tired, we feel pain, mostly in the muscles or the joints.
  • But when the mind gets tired, that's when the sense organs slowly stop working as well. That is the time when we feel tired and doze off.
  • Ayurveda also says that when the body is tired but the mind is not, that is when we dream. Perhaps that is the reason why we don't dream every night.
  • When we've had a very long day, that's when we get the best and deepest Sleep - because the mind and the body are both tired.

While it is the Tamas Guna that makes us Sleep, it is the Sattva Guna which is responsible for waking us up.

Apart from giving us rest, how else does Sleep affect our body and mind?

If we get enough quantity and quality of sleep, then it is as beneficial for us as good food or Nutrition. Here are the benefits that a good sleep can provide:

  • It gives us Sukha or wellness.
  • It gives us Pushthi or nourishment.
  • It gives us Bala or strength.
  • It gives us Vishata or potency.
  • It gives us Jnana or knowledge.
  • It gives us Jiva or life.

Well, if it has so many benefits, what happens when we do not Sleep properly?

  • It causes Dukha or illness.
  • It leads to Karshya or emaciation.
  • It leads to Abalam or weakness.
  • It causes Kleebata or impotency.
  • It promotes Ajnana or ignorance.
  • It could bring us closer to Marana or death.

Lack of Sleep leads to an increase in Vata Dosha in the body. It could also lead to yawning, aches in various body-parts, loss of concentration as well as digestion problems.

Not only is it important to get the correct amount or the correct quality of Sleep, but it is equally important to Sleep at the right time. For example, sleeping right after a meal is not recommended - it could lead to indigestion as it increases the Kapha and decreases the Vata and the Pitta. If one stays awake for too late at night, it leads to an increase in Vata. This should be made up for during the day by sleeping on an empty stomach.

Ayurveda also recommends sleeping during the day for a while during the summer season as it helps balance the Doshas. As per Ayurveda, the best time to Sleep is to match it with the Sun - Sleep after Sunset and rise with the Sun.

Sleeping too much is considered as Tamasic and increases and imbalances the Kapha in the body. This weakens the digestive power and leads to heaviness in the body.

As far as sleeping comfortably is concerned, Ayurveda recommends sleeping on a soft and hygienic bed, with the head pointing towards the East or the South. Ayurveda also recommends thinking good thoughts before sleeping to ensure good Sleep and good dreams.

If one fulfils these checkboxes when it comes to Sleep, then it can go a long way in aiding digestion, nourishing tissues and promoting overall health. It also helps to balance the Doshas and the Gunas. Now that we've discussed Nutrition and Sleep, let's move on to the last Pillar of Ayurveda - Brahmacharya. Stay tuned.

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